Substance Use and Abuse
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
What is neonatal abstinence syndrome?
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) develops when a baby is no longer exposed to a drug his mother used during pregnancy. Examples include heroin, codeine, and oxycodone. The baby is affected by the drug while he is in the womb and becomes dependent on it. When he is born, he is still dependent on the drug. He may also become dependent on medicines he is given for sedation or pain after he is born. The sudden lack of the drug causes withdrawal symptoms.
What You Need To Know:
Neonatal Withdrawal
Effects of Smoking, Alcohol, and Medicines on Breastfeeding
Smoking, alcohol, and medicines can affect breastfeeding. Harmful substances can pass to your baby through your breast milk. Learn about the ways that these affect breastfeeding so that you can safely breastfeed your baby.
What You Need To Know:
Smoking and Breastfeeding
Los efectos de fumar, del alcohol y de los medicamentos durante la lactancia materna
El fumar, el alcohol y los medicamentos pueden afectar la lactancia. Las sustancias nocivas pueden transmitirse a su bebé a través de la leche materna. Infórmese acerca de las maneras en que éstas pueden afectar la lactancia para que usted pueda amamantar a su bebé de manera segura.
Lo Que Necesita Saber:
Fumar y Amamantar